Book 3 - SCS Volume version 8.5
Public Consultation
1 May - 30 June 2020

The European Cards Stakeholders Group (ECSG), the industry association in charge of cards standardisation in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), is today releasing version 8.5 of the Book 3 – Data Elements of the SEPA Cards Standardisation Volume (the Volume) for a two-month public consultation. The Volume is considered a key document for the cards industry, with a goal of achieving cards standardisation, interoperability, and security in Europe. The Volume version 9.0 has been released in January 2020. However, it was deemed necessary Book 3 to undergo a separate consultation, due to an important update to the Acquirer-to-Issuer Card Messages (ATICA) Standard that was not available in the version 9 cycle.
The two-month public consultation for the Book 3 – Data Elements is part of a regular planned cycle which ensures that the Volume’s Books are kept up-to-date with developments in card technology and regulation. Following the same methodology as the Volume version 8.5 consultation, Book 3 is being published for consultation on this webpage, including a version with tracked changes.
However, comments are expected on the ‘clean’ published versions.
To ensure that the proposed documents truly reflect market needs, all stakeholders are invited to supply feedback on this consultation by mail to by 30 June 2020.
More information on the consultation process can be found within the 'consultation feedback form'.
All Book 3 v8.5 documents can be downloaded through the form below, as a single file or as a set ('zip' file). Note that only comments on the line-numbered version set will be accepted.