The European Cards Stakeholders Group is a multi-stakeholder, market self-regulated approach to European card standardisation with market-driven implementation
The ECSG is expanding the scope of its work beyond card payments and changes its name to European Payments Stakeholders Group (EPSG).
Latest News
March 20, 2023
The European Cards Stakeholders Group to become the European Payments Stakeholders Group
The ECSG is expanding the scope of its work beyond card payments and changes its name to European Payments Stakeholders Group.
October 27, 2022
New Version of ECSG’s SEPA Card Standardisation Volume Available
The European Cards Stakeholders Group (ECSG), the industry association for card standardisation in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), published version 10 of its SEPA Card Standardisation Volume.
In line with its three-year release cycle, the ECSG publishes the new version of the Volume today on its web site https://www.e-csg.eu/scs-volume. This time the publication could be performed earlier than expected due to limited comments being received during the public consultation performed in summer 2022.
October 29, 2020
Publication of BOOK 3 Data Elements v9.0 | SEPA Cards Standardisation Volume
Following the availability of a major ISO 20022 card message standard update
The European Cards Stakeholders Group (ECSG), the industry association in charge of cards standardisation in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), is today releasing the version 9.0 of Book 3 – Data Elements, incorporating a major update of the ISO 20022 Acquirer-To-Issuer Card messages standard (ATICA), and the feedback of a two-month public consultation.
This new version is a major step forward as it uses version 2 of ATICA as a main reference for the other card messaging standards. Other changes include updates linked to European regulation, such as the Payment Services Directive 2 or the Interchange Fee Regulation.
January 14, 2020
Payments industry agrees new SEPA Card Standards
The new release of the SEPA Cards Standardisation Volume integrates the latest regulatory and technological changes.
The European Cards Stakeholders Group (ECSG), the industry association overseeing cards standardisation in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) has today published version 9.0 of the SEPA Cards Standardisation Volume (‘the Volume’).
This initiative, actively supported by all of the key stakeholders in the card payment ecosystem, will help ensure the interoperability and security of cards in Europe. The Volume achieves this through defining a standard set of requirements to enable an interoperable and scalable card and terminal infrastructure across SEPA, based on open international card standards.
Version 9.0 of the Volume is released to the industry following a 3-month public consultation. In addition to the feedback received during the consultation, updates to the books were made to accommodate the following;
• Conformance to new European regulations General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the second Payment Service Directive (PSD2) and the European Banking Authority Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Strong Costumer Authentication (SCA) and Common Secure Communication (CSC);
• Integration of global standards for card payments including Host Card Emulation, remote payments using EMV 3DS and a reference to the industry standards body Fast IDentity Online (FIDO);
• Contactless card acceptance at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs);
• The production of a separate Tokenisation Annex.
The Volume version 9.0 takes effect immediately for a three-year period.
Note: Book 3 “Data Elements” is currently under maintenance to integrate the new ISO 20022 ATICA Version 2 standard. A separate release cycle was therefore decided for this Book which will lead to a separate publication in September 2020.
July 25, 2019
Bulletin on RTS SCA Article 11 implementation
ECSG Volume working groups were assigned by the Board to perform an analysis on the issues related to the implementation of RTS SCA for proximity low value amount transactions. An inventory of market implementations was collected and four possible transaction flows were identified (decline; switch interface; re-present card and enter PIN; enter pin without a second tap). Based on this analysis, it was decided to update Req. T77 in Book 2 and to publish an informative Bulletin on ECSG website before RTS SCA coming into force.